.You are outside the great hall. To the south is the entrance to the hall. Abovethe door there is a sign that reads "Members only entrance... Visitors use frontentrance." In the grass to the east is a sign that reads "Underland - 10 miles ahead on north .You are now on the north/south road. You hear faint growling and grunting soundsto the north. There is a tree just off the path that looks clibable. .You are now on the trail. It goes west and north from here... .As you approched, the growling got louder. Suddenly, a great bear comes into view! He wants you to stay for dinner... Main course: Leg of Adventurer! You can see the road to the north, but it would be safer to go back south. .You have climbed the tree! As you look around, you note a bear on the road ahead to the north and a faint trail to the east. Unless you have sprouted wings, the only exit I see is down... .You continue for a mile on the trail. It connects with the road to the west and also goes back south. .You have passed the bear, but to your dismay, a mountain of rocks block you way north. You may be able to climb them to the west, but you probally won't come out of it alive! Your choice... back south or west (Heh Heh). .You have made it back to the north/south road. Your way is blocked to the south do you may go north (into the cave), west (follow the road), east (back on the trail. .Allong the road... It goes west and east from here. .You have finally made it to the entrance to the Underland. You are now in a well lit cave. It extends to the north and the road home is to the south. .You are in the cave. It is very dark here. You can make out exits to the south and east. .It is so dark here you have to feel your way around. You found exits to the north and west... .It is light here due to a torch bolted to the wall. There are stairs that lead down and a tunnel to the south. .You are at the base of the stairs going up. You are at the south end of a north/south passage. .You are in a north/south passage. There is a door to the west. .You are in a north/south passage. There is a door to the west. .You are at the north end of a north/south passage. The passage continues to the east. .You are in a side chamber off the west side of the main passage. You can go east or west from here. .You seem to have stumbled into the great out of doors! There is a passage to the north and south. .You are in a very dirty chamber. Dust is everywhere! You can see a passage to the east and one to the south. .You are in a waiting room. There are several benches along the wall. You may go west through a door or north. .You are in a classroom. There are chairs lined up in rows and a large table in front of the chairs. There is a door to the south and a door to the east. .As you enter this room, you notice a wizard! He speaks, "How dare you enter my home! You will pay for this!" Then he gathers his belongings and vanishes... You see a door to the north. .There is a staircase leading down and a passage to the west. .You are in a side chamber off the main passage. You may go east or west. .You are at the south end of a north/south passage. There are stairs to the south. The passage is well lighted, but you do not have any idea why... .You are in a north/south passage. There is a bolted door to the east. .You are in a jail with an exit to the west. There are several prisoners here... You release them because you know you will get a reward back at town. .You are in the north/south passage. You see a door to the west. Every now and then you hear a sound of an axe hitting wood to the west. .There are several men here cooking what looks like a large dinner! You see fresh chickens, celery, rice, bread, butter, a large stew pot, and beef. You may exit to the east. .You are in a north/south passage. Double doors are to the east. A sign above thedoor reads "Temple of Meham - Service daily 23 o'clock". .Welcome to the Mehan temple! There are benches lined up with an alter in front. There is a small door behind the alter to the east. You may also exit to the west. .You are at the north end of a north/south passage. You may go south or west. .You are in a tunnel. It goes north from here and back west. .You have stumbled into the priest's bedroom! There is a bed and a desk. You may exit to the south. .You are at the foot of a long staircase up. You can see light at the end of it. You may also go back east. .You are on a little house's front lawn. The cave is to the south and the house's front door is to the north. .You are in the little houses living room. There is a TV set here and a VCR. It has shabby furnishings. There are doors to the north and south. .You are in the little house's kitchen. It has standars apliances, microwave oven, toaster, ect. There are doors to the south and west. .You are in the little house's bedroom. There are doors to the east and south. .You are in the little house's dining room. It has a solid oak table. There is a door to the north and a staircase down... .You are in the house's small basement. The staircase goes up from here. There is a cave entrance to the north. .You are in the cave entrance. It goes north from here and back south. .You are in what could be your last chamber... The passage to the south has vanished... You may either go east or west. One way will bring you to the wizard, one way will bring you to death. I gave you a clue before... There is no turning .You have made the right choice... You may go north. .Your final battle is drawing closer! You may go east. .Your heart is throbbing with excitement! You may go north. .You hear a voice! "I'm ready and waiting!" You may go north. .If you don't make it past this room, I would like to thank you for playing "The Lord of the Underland"! .You have defeated Mehan the wizard! Thank you for playing "Lord of the Underland". For information about more modules by Justin Langseth, write to Justin Langseth 12 Thirteenth Avenue Warwick, RI 02886-8428. Go north to t